All Film and Unproduced Screenplay submissions must be submitted through FilmFreeway. We only accept online screeners and digital scripts.

Genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action, Animation, Experimental, Western New York Student.

Territories: National, International, Western New York.


Earlybird: 12/31/23

Regular: 3/31/24

Late: 6/9/24

Extended: 7/17/24

Selections announced on 7/22/24


WNY Student Films (any length)   


Earlybird: $20

Regular: $25

Late: $30

Extended: $35

Micro Shorts  1 -7 mins

Earlybird: $20

Regular: $25

Late: $30

Extended: $35

Shorts  8 - 30 mins  


Earlybird $25

Regular $30

Late $35

Extended $40

Medium Length Films  31-60 mins 


Earlybird $30

Regular $40

Late $50

Extended $60

Features  61 – 120 mins   


Earlybird $40

Regular $60

Late $80

Extended $100

Unproduced Short Screenplays  1- 60 pages       


Earlybird $25

Regular $30

Late $35

Extended $40

Unproduced Feature Screenplays  70- 120 pages  

Earlybird $40

Regular $50

Late $60

Extended $70