Film is art, not a competition, but Amazing Fantasy Fest’s mission is to recognize the work of talented genre filmmakers ignored or shunned by the mainstream. We intend to present the following awards in an assortment of plaques, certificates, and digital files, TBD.

Best of the Fest

Best Horror Feature

Best Science Fiction Feature

Best Fantasy Feature

Best Action Feature

Best International Feature

Best Western New York Feature 

Off Beat Cinema Award

Best Feature Director

Best Western New York Feature Director

Best Feature Screenwriter

Best Western New York Feature Screenwriter

Best Unproduced Feature Screenplay

Best Unproduced Short Screenplay

Best Male Performance, Feature

Best Female Performance, Feature

Best Western New York Performance

Best Score, Feature

Best Micro Short

Best International Micro Short

Best Western New York Short

Best Short

Best International Short

Best Western New York Micro Short

Best Western New York Short Director

Best Medium Length Film (National, International, WNY)

Best Animated Film

Best Stop Motion Animated Film

Best Western New York Student Film (ID required)

Best Special Makeup Effects

Best Special Visual Effects

Amazing Fantasy Fest reserves the right to combine, alter or eliminate award categories at the Festival Director’s discretion. International award winners will receive digital certificates unless they attend AFF in person. We will mail physical awards to filmmakers unable to attend at the filmmaker’s expense.