SORRY, ALL DISCOUNTED ROOMS IN OUR HOTEL HAVE BEEN BOOKED! If you still plan to visit Buffalo to attend AFF please contact us. We'll see if the hotel can provide an additional room at the discounted rate. If they can't, you may want book a room at the regular rate, as it's a large hotel and likely has rooms available.


Our Official Hotel for 2024 is Buffalo Marriott Niagara, 1340 Millersport Highway, Amherst, New York. The rate is $129 per night. This hotel is a 9-minute drive from our venue, the Dipson Amherst Theatre, 3500 Main Street, and does not offer shuttle service. It is an 18-minute drive from Buffalo Niagara International Airport (which is also a 9-minute drive to the venue). 

Amazing Fantasy Fest Room Block 

Start Date: Thursday, September 13, 2024 

End Date: Thursday, September 19th, 2024 

Hotel Office: (716)534-8840 

Rooms must be booked before August 30th. If you're told all rooms are booked, let us know; we can probably get the hotel to release more discounted rooms.